Thursday, March 01, 2007

More Snow!

It started snowing last night, but only an inch or 2. The weather guy said it wouldn't snow until afternoon today, but he got that wrong. It had started by the time I got off the bus at 8 AM and pretty much kept up all morning. It seems everyone at the office decided it was a good day to work from home.

I however, deciding that the state was becoming wussified at the first sight of a snowflake, decided to go in. Of course the first thing I did when I did get in was to check the bus schedule for the times home, in case it got really bad. I also take seriously the warning that "later routes may be delayed," having been left waiting at the bus stop for much longer than I should have.

Since Boss Lady scheduled a 4 PM meeting, I decided that I should catch the 1:30 bus, which was packed.

The snowblower was still balky at starting, but it did eventually start. It's always much more fun using the blower than shoveling.

Someone asked for pictures, but with all the snow there really wasn't any detail that came across well on a photo, and neither do I have sweeping vistas.

But, I thought I'd try a video. Yes, a video of snow in my backyard; try to contain yourself.

We should get some more snow yet tonight, with another inch or 2 tomorrow. I think I'm going to have to go in to the office again, just because.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd only put the storm as a 7, it isn't that bad


Jeff in NC said...

OOOoo, I am super-impressed!! You will have to show me how to do that. I recorded SAnta coming through the neighborhood at CHristmass, but have yet to figure out how to do what you just did. You techie nerd you.

Urdarbrunnr said...

How to do what I just did? I just uploaded the video to Photobucket, in this case, though any video site will do. Once that is done then just embed the video; this is easy as the HTML tag does it all for you (make sure it starts with the embed tag).

But either way, yes, I am a techie nerd.